Report Pricing

Competitive Pricing On Industry Leading Reports


(All prices Include GST)


Standard pre-purchase/pre-sale property inspection

Clear, industry leading building report with photos, videos and annotations in accordance with NZS4306:2005.

Undertaken by one of our fully qualified, licensed building inspectors.


Comprehensive pre-purchase/pre-sale property inspection

Clear, industry leading building report with photos, videos and annotations in accordance with NZS4306:2005. Includes preliminary floor level assessment and non-invasive moisture testing.

Undertaken by one of our fully qualified, licensed building inspectors.


Standard (Open Home) Walk Along Inspection

Before you pay for a full, written report, arrange a walk along inspection at an open home with one of our fully qualified and licensed inspectors. This is a great opportunity to get an initial impression of the condition of the house before you put an offer in.

Undertaken by one of our fully qualified, licensed building inspectors. There is no written report for this inspection type; comments are verbal only.


Comprehensive Walk Along Inspection

Before you pay for a full written report, arrange a detailed private inspection of the home you’re considering. Compared with the open home inspection, this allows time for one of our inspectors to look over the house more thoroughly, and provides more opportunity for questions and discussion.

Undertaken by one of our fully qualified, licensed building inspectors. There is no written report for this inspection type; comments are verbal only.


Extra bedrooms (over 3) - $59 Extra bathrooms (over 2) - $39 Sleepout - $139

Subfloor - $79
Second storey - $59
Loft or Attic - $59

Online Delivery & PDF - Free
Printed & posted - $59


Note: Inspections subject to availability. Additional fees and charges may apply for urgent bookings and/or travel outside the Christchurch city area. All prices include GST.


Industry leading building reports that are easy to understand without compromising on detail.


Available 7 days a week, book your property inspection today for complete peace of mind  

It only takes a minute to complete a booking online and we'll be in touch to confirm a time.